After so long, I am going to upload to my blog again, especially since knowing that I would be on stand down working about 2 days a week in the near future, perhaps writing blogs may help subsidy my income a bit. Who knows maybe I might get some temp part time job along the way.
Will start with my recent New Zealand trip where we visited Hobbiton Movie Set. It seems that the only way to get there is to get a tour as it is a private place, we can't just roam around ourselves. The tour guide needs to bring us around.
During the tour, we learned a lot about how the movie making that involves hobbit works, the hobbit are actually adult size and the videos are taken using alignment and positioning illusions. When the wizard and hobbit sits in the same cart, the distance between them is about 3m, which makes it look like they are sitting together and I totally can't tell. I could imagine how hard it is to get everything perfect in the movie.
Also, it is cool to see all the hobbit house in the area.
It is also amazing how they got people to put up and take down the clothes from the laundry lines around the houses every day during the movie taking. I admire the effort that they put in for the movie. How every scene involved few seconds to few mins requires tons of effort to make sure it is all good.
Definitely a must go at least once in a lifetime venue should you ever visit the Northern side of New Zealand!