We actually set up a numerology booth @ Orchard hotel yesterday. Quite fun and learn an important lesson in life - "Plan and think about more alternatives before implementing my plans is important."
Also, I had ice lemon tee "supper" chatting session with 2 friends at bishan area till quite late. I felt a bit more enlightened that whomever I'm now is due to my past experience.. I've met few people that affected my life in a negative way but I do meet a lot more others that improved it in a lot more positive way! It's time that I let go of all my baggage and move forward in life. 'Cos if I don't want to do anything about it, nothing ever gets done. So I've set myself for a better change.
Also, I had ice lemon tee "supper" chatting session with 2 friends at bishan area till quite late. I felt a bit more enlightened that whomever I'm now is due to my past experience.. I've met few people that affected my life in a negative way but I do meet a lot more others that improved it in a lot more positive way! It's time that I let go of all my baggage and move forward in life. 'Cos if I don't want to do anything about it, nothing ever gets done. So I've set myself for a better change.