Felt more peaceful and happier after attending the Transcend Section as part of the review of the Advanced Numerology Program yesterday. The reason why I got to attend it is because I chose to help my master out at the Love & Light Festival. :) Perhaps, it's part of the journey that I need to go through to reconnect myself with my heart. Although most of the time, I'm happy and joyous but then somehow or rather, other than being able to feel happy, I hardly show any other emotions. Not because I won't feel sad but more of because I'm not exactly connected to my heart, so somehow, I tend to suppress all the unhappy feelings more. The only fortunate thing is that luckily, most of the time I really am happy. That's when you will see me smiling all the time. But when I don't smile that much, it's probably when I'm more disconnected.
With the program today, we are taught to meditate in a different from usual way, to meditate and feel our physical body, emotions and thoughts. For once, I'm able to visualize the scene that was recited to me almost perfectly. And it's not about suppressing the unwanted sad feelings, it's about being more aware and being able to then change our chains of thoughts to a more positive one. To be able to forgive ourselves & others and to let go more. My favourite is that Ho'oponopono Video / Song. Because, it's meant for us to release our feelings.
I'll attend the full 2 days Beyond Destiny workshop some time next year when I'm more free financially. Because it seems to be a much more practical approach to the idea of "Law of Attraction" and "Quantum Physics". So what I've attended is probably more of a basic preview of the program itself, yet it's already pretty good I should say.