I'm glad to have added value to people's life tonight through the sharing to the networking tips and hosting of the event! The participants seem to be having a great time listening to our sharing session and especially so during the networking session. It's actually quite tough to get them seated and continue listening to the sharing session. But thanks to the rest of the committee team, we manage to do it. As the entire event was conducted without a mic, I'm very happy that they can hear me although I'm running low on my voice towards the end of the event.
Even though I'm actually quite nervous and missed out some lines, the overall event was a success since no one really knew what I left out. I guess the music stand helps. I felt that it'll be even better for me if the notes is just in a point form so that I can just read and elaborate from there. Since, I wasn't exactly following the entire script after I felt more comfortable during the session otherwise, I'll appear to be directly reading from script haha.. Hopefully, my eye contact is enough and the next time will be better :D.
Anyone interested to join us in our next fun and interesting session in Dec?