I'm simply amazed by T. Harv Eker's selling skill! Imagine... whenever he is the one selling, the results was really fantastic, looking at the number of people that walks to the booth. Can you believe that even before he stated the actual price, they are there crowding around the booth lol. I really admire his skills. When it's Adam selling as what happened on the first day, the result and feeling is just different.
Perhaps you may say that I over analyzed but as what most low cost seminars are meant for, it's just a preview to many other courses, the full set of courses are also known as the "Quantum Leap". They really value add to our lives a lot! They even gave us a card with the declarations and a 90 days workbook at the end of the program! The overall sessions are very motivating but I like T. Harv's presentation more :P
The tasks that he got us to do is really for our own good, and he even bother to explain to us why we need to do that. The entire program is also super systematic. I should say that Millionaire Mind Intensive (MMI) is really a program not to be missed! As you can really attend it for free! But must wait loh... As for the workbook, after going through the entire program. Actually, I felt that it's ok even if you doesn't have the workbook. The main difference is in the amount of words that you need to write. For the paid workbook, there's a lot less to write, for the free workbook, almost everything must write yourself. As they'll give you this particular blank workbook. So it's just about whether or not you wish to save that money.
For today, I would like to thank Dias for lending me his jacket, thank Eunice for the donut and pie, and thank Vanessa for dinner and lunch! I'm a food Magnet! LOL
For today, I would like to thank Dias for lending me his jacket, thank Eunice for the donut and pie, and thank Vanessa for dinner and lunch! I'm a food Magnet! LOL