From today's course, I've come to realised that a lot of times, I'm more of procrastinating the bigger things as well as smaller things, big things like major stuff I'm supposed to do, sometimes, it just somehow slip off my mind and I may not even realised that I've not even written them down on my to do list. So of course I won't be doing it after all. The smaller things such as arranging my room and stuff loh. But then, now I've decided that in order to maintain my room, it's best to keep it neat at all times. 'cos having overly clutter room is not good. Now, my aim is to keep my room neat and do the tough stuff and important stuff 1st! The rest can wait haha!
I felt that Monopoly Deal is really a fun and challenging game to play, especially at the Chalet. There are many rules to the game, but luckily we had a monopoly deal rules expert with us to double-click with in event of discrepancy! I feel that it requires strategy and some form of luck to win the game. So far, I always get good property cards sets but it always get taken away 'cos I don't have the "Just say NO" card and it tend to get taken away, especially if I've a complete set. Then, I tried the strategy of not putting up a complete set, then it also doesn't really work 'cos in the end, I don't end up putting my sets on the table. Perhaps, I'll need to play a lot more times and try different methods till I get the idea right I guess. If you do have the chance, try playing that game. It's really exciting, 'cos you'll never know how long will your properties stay with you! As well as, how much money you can have in your hands. T...